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The Monty Hall Game

3 minute read

A friend brought up the classic Monty Hall problem. During our discussions, I realized it’s interesting to put the problem under the lens of game theory.

When, If Not Now?

less than 1 minute read

Everybody procrastinates, and everyone hates it. Much ink has been spilled to teach people how to stop delaying work. Here, I want to offer a logician’s view.

Unexpected Chinese Remainder Theorem

5 minute read

Last week, we had an incident at work. Both the bug itself and the debugging process were mildly interesting, and I’ll describe both briefly below, and discu...

A Tale of Two Zeros

1 minute read

One day I came across some code that looked like this (paraphrased):

Searching for Sets: Jaccard Index and MinHash

3 minute read

Here’s a well-written intro to audio fingerprinting. One part of the article contains a clever trick that seems generally useful and interesting to think abo...